How to pump up the lower abdominal muscles?
Pumping up the lower abs
Pumping up defined lower abdomen muscles is actually not easy. Anyone who has already faced this task will understand this. It’s not just about proper stimulation and the desire to have a beautiful flat stomach. Many people quit after several workouts, because they do not see the results quickly. And the result does not appear immediately, at least 1 month of persistent daily training is needed for the process to start showing results. In the article we will understand how to pump up the lower abdominal muscles at home.
You should also not overexert yourself and do 50-100 sets from the first day of training. Many beginners are well-stimulated “iron pumpers”, trying to “conquer Everest” from the first session. The next morning, they die from hellish pains in the lower abdomen and as a result, they make a decision never to pump the abs again because they hurt too much without seeing fast results.
Due to many athletes giving up quickly within out seeing their results starting to show, many individuals use supplements in order to speed up this process and make it more effective. Many use Growth Hormone also known as “HGH” alongside the non-steroidal Clenbuterol to shred their excess fatty mass and gain lean muscle definition. Using these substances in tandem will not only provide the athlete with many great benefits, but also provide the desired results almost instantly!
It is important to correctly create a training program, even if you decide to train the lower abs at home. You need to start gradually. It is important to warm up and do a massage before training. At the same time, watch your diet, in no case can you eat an hour before the start of the workout and immediately after it ends. And also refrain from eating after 18: 00. It is not necessary to declare a hunger strike, as fruits and fresh vegetables are also food, but lighter.
The abdominal muscles
To begin with, let’s figure out what the abs actually are. Our abs consist mainly of muscles. Anyone who has a small or noticeable fat layer where there are muscles under it, they just sleep. To pump up the lower abs, reduce the fat layer and make the stomach flat, as you have to wake them up. Is it easy though to wake up something up that has “slept for 30 years?”.
The main muscles of the abdominals are:
- Rectus abdominis;
- Obliquus abdominis exsternus;
- Obliquus abdominis exsternus;
- Transverses abdominis.
The muscles of the abs also perform the function of maintaining our spine and maintaining a beautiful posture. That’s why it’s so important to keep them in shape.
It is possible that when performing some exercises, additional monitoring of blood pressure, pulse, or the presence of a specialist during the exercises will be required.
There are few contraindications for exercises on the lower abs, but they are still there.
Once the fatty layer has been removed from the stomach using Clenbuterol or other methods, many athletes use oral substances in order to promote their lean muscle growth. The most effective substances for this are; Superdrol, Sustanon, Dianabol or Anavar. With the use of these oral substances for only a few months, a user can benefit from faster recovery times, increased strength and power performances and also pronounce lean muscle mass definition. You can find these substances within our online sports pharmacology store.
How to start training the lower part of the abs?
Of course, a healthy person can perform exercises on the lower abs completely independently.
We will choose a place for training such as:
- At home (you will need a gym mat);
- Outdoors (you will need a horizontal bar or parallel bars);
- In the gym (your presence will be required).
In addition, you will need patience (do not wait for results in 1 day), perseverance and a desire to be healthy and look good.
Before you start doing exercises for the lower abdominal muscles, as before any workout, first warm up the muscles. It is recommended to start with the neck muscles and move down, as to do the shoulders, arms, lateral slopes and rotations. Stretch the muscles in the waist and pelvis also.
The training will be even more effective if you do a massage before starting the exercises. It can also be self-massage, that is, you can do it yourself without contacting a specialist. A warming massage is done as follows: Start by stroking the entire abdominal area with your palms. Squeeze your hands into fists, and massage the muscles of the lower abs in circular movements with light pressure. Open your hands, and again stroking with your palms. Then, grabbing and slightly pulling the skin, perform the “pinching” technique, it is very effective for burning the fat layer.
For training the lower abdominal muscles at home
- Resistance
This exercise for pumping the lower abs is performed as follows: lie on your back, raise your neck and head, leaning on your elbows, feel the tension in the lower abdomen area. Press the lower back to the floor. One leg is straight in the hang. Exhale. Pull the other leg towards your chest. At the same time, push it back with both hands. Breath. Change your legs. Repeat 10 times for each leg. It is recommended to keep the resistance from 3 to 10 seconds. on each leg.
- Pull-up
Another good exercise for the lower part of abdomen. Sitting on the mat, rest your elbows on the floor from behind. Bend your knees and lift your legs. The bend angle in the abs area should be about 45 degrees. You should feel tension in the area of the lower abs. Pull your knees up to your stomach on the exhale and stretch your legs forward on the inhale. Repeat 20-30 times in 2-3 sets.
- The plank
This is one of the most popular exercises for the lower abs at home. Stand on the mat in a knee-elbow position. Straighten your legs back as if you are going to do push-ups. The torso should be fixed evenly, without laybacks and hanging. Stand on the elbows and toes. Take a deep breath. On a very deep exhalation, suck in your stomach as much as possible. You need to “keep the plank” as long as possible, but for the first time, start with 30-40 seconds.
- Plank with pull-up
This is an exercise for those who are more advanced in pumping up the lower abdomen. When the problem with” holding the plank ” disappears, you can move on to more complex exercises based on it. Here is one of them. Starting position: plank, legs together, straighten your arms to the end (high bar), back straight. In turns bending your legs and pulling your knee up to the opposite side of the abs as you exhale. We recommend 10 repetitions from each leg in 2-3 sets, as a result: 20-30 sets.
- “The Frog”
This exercise for the abs is especially liked by girls. Lying on the mat, connect your heels together, while spreading your knees to the sides. Stretch your arms along your torso. The lower back is pressed to the floor. Take a deep breath and maximum exhalation, during exhalation the stomach suck in itself. Tear off the upper part of the torso (neck, head, shoulders) from the floor and stretch your hands down. Feel and control the tension of the abs, this is very important in this exercise. On the exhale, straighten your legs, but do not put them on the floor until the end of the set, they should remain on the weight. Reps 10 times (for beginners, no more than 5 from the first time). 2-3 sets are recommended.
In between sets of exercises, completely relax your abs, lie on your back, stretch your legs and arms, relax. Yoga asanas are also suitable for relaxing the muscles, for example, the embryo pose.
Contraindications for exercises on the lower abs
Read it carefully!
* Intervertebral hernia;
* Descensus of the pelvis;
* Various diseases of the cardiovascular system;
* High blood pressure (Hypertension);
- The first few months after childbirth, the pelvic organs of women recover in the postpartum period in different ways. It is better to get a consultation from your doctor or specialist in advance.
All that is left now, is to select the correct program, the correct diet, the correct substance and put the theory into practice! We wish you all the best within your lower abdominal workouts.