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Manufacturer: Scott-Edil Pharmacia Ltd
Category: Injectable Steroids
Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10 ampoules 50 mg/ml


What is Stanoscot by Scott-Edil Phamacia?

Stanoscot is an injectable form Stanozolol that is manufactured by Scott-Edil Pharmacia Ltd. Winstrol depot, is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone that is thought to be one of the best drugs by bodybuilders that are preparing for competitions.

Even beginners and powerlifters find the drug to be useful. Stanozolol’s anabolic activity is 3 times greater than that of testosterone and its androgenic properties are 3 times lower than that of testosterone.

What are the effects?

The drug is extremely effective for following reasons:

  • Growth of dry and high-quality muscle mass.
  • It acts without rebound.
  • Does not negatively affect the natural production of testosterone.
  • Does not affect the function of the liver.
  • It is not subject to aromatization.
  • Provides muscle mass with clear definition.
  • Improves both strength and endurance performance.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Has a fat-burning effect.

What dosages should be used?

This drug is suitable for experienced athletes and for beginners, but it is not recommended for use by women due to the risk of virilization symptoms.

If necessary, the maximum dosage for women should not be more than 5 mg per day.

We recommended injecting 50mg every day, or every other day for a period of 6 – 9 weeks.

A Winstrol cycle can be run together with Testosterone, Anadrol, and Turinabol.

What are the potential side effects?

When taking Winstrol, you do not need to think about anti-estrogens because Stanozolol does not aromatize.

Abuse of the recommended dosage will lead to an increase in cholesterol or blood pressure, but by following the recommendations for use, there will be no risk of side effects.

If symptoms appear, begin PCT immediately in order to resume normal bodily functions.

What is the safest way to buy Winstrol online in the USA?

At, we guarantee the safety and quality of each of our products. We ensure that we source goods only from reliable manufacturers with a reputation for the high-quality production of pharmaceutical drugs. All products are original, and many can be verified on the manufacturer’s official website using special codes on their packaging. We are proud to say that you can find Winstrol for sale at a great price in our online store and buy it here with complete confidence.

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