How to find the correct dosage of steroids per kg of body weight?
Athletes who want to build muscle mass cannot do this without taking special drugs. For a quick result, intensive training and a special diet should be combined with a course of steroids. At the same time, it is important to correctly calculate the dosage that is needed.
The promiscuous intake of hormones and anabolics in huge quantities will not lead to anything good. As in any situation, moderation, thoughtfulness and an individual approach are required here. This article cannot tell you exactly how much of a drug is needed, as every individual and body type is different, so you must keep that in mind when selecting your dosage. But for an overall figure, we can work out the average dose that is needed per kg of body weight.
Basic principles and concepts of the course of steroids
In bodybuilding, more than 20 drugs with different effects are used. You will have to experiment to find the optimal combination and suitable dosages. The basic scheme for calculating the optimal concentration of the drug based on your weight will help to calculate the appropriate dosages.
For beginners, the first acquaintance with anabolic steroids is recommended to start with testosterone and the second anabolic drug of your choice (Turinabol, Equipoise, or Primobolan, etc.). The first course is preferably done for 6-8 weeks and use drugs with a short period of action, where during the application you get a practical understanding of what anabolic steroids are, why they can affect the health and what results they can provide in sports. During the course, it is important to monitor the state of the health, take tests during the course and at the end of it to check your hormone levels.
The recommended duration of rest between courses of steroids can be from two months to six months, where the total duration of taking hormonal drugs and the general state of health are taken into account. For beginners, you can find all of the needed and desired genuine substances within our online pharmaceutical store. Using the non-steroidal Clenbuterol alongside your steroid cycle can also be very beneficial in terms of endurance and also for drying purposes.
How to calculate your steroid dosage?
When determining the optimal amount of drugs, it is necessary to take into account body weight, height, age and experience with hormones.
A sample diagram for beginners looks like this:
- Injections of Testosterone Propionate in a course of 100mg every other day for up to 8 weeks;
- Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day for the entire course starting from the 4th week (adjust according to tests);
- At the end of the injections, a break is made for 7 days and then PCT begins;
- It is better to use Clomiphene Citrate for your PCT, which should be taken at 50mg daily for the first 2 weeks in a row and then 25mg per day for another 10-15 days.
For those who wish to gain more potential during the course of steroids, it is recommended to combine several drugs per course, and use testosterone as the base substance of the course. The main parameter when calculating the dosage is the total body weight of the athlete.
Using HGH alongside steroids has become a gold standard in today’s world. This is due to Growth Hormone amplifying the performances of the steroids used and also protecting the body’s hormones from the impacts of the anabolic steroids that are used. You can find this amazing substance within our online store with further details on its use.
The recommended weekly dosage of drugs per 1 kilogram of body weight is the following value when calculating:
- Testosterone-5-9 mg;
- Boldenone – 8-11 mg;
- Primobolan – 8-11 mg;
- Nandrolone-3-6 mg;
- Trenbolone-3-5 mg;
- Drostanolone – 4-9 mg.
For anabolics with a fast half-life and a short duration of action, which are used daily:
- Dianabol -0.4-0.6 mg;
- Turinabol-0.4-0.6 mg
- Oxymethalon-1.1-1.5 mg;
- Stanozolol (Winstrol) – 0.4-0.6 mg;
- Halotestin – 0.4-0.6 mg;
- Proviron-0,6-2 mg;
- Testosterone Suspension -0.6-1.5 mg;
- Trenbolone Acetate-0.4-0.9 mg.
For example, if your body weight is 80kg, and you decided to take a course of steroids including Testosterone, Nandrolone and Stanozolol, then the initial dosage of testosterone will be 400mg. per week, Nandrolone 200-300mg per week and the dosage of Stanozolol will be 30mg per day. At the same time, the duration of the course and the variety of esters do not particularly affect the calculations.
With a competent combination of anabolic drugs with a well-thought-out training and nutrition regime, you can increase up to 10-15kg of muscle mass in just 2 months of work. The complexity of the course and the size of dosages can be adjusted taking into account the goals set and the individual characteristics of the athlete.